public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dzc with tags css & "conception web"

August 2009

liste des outils en ligne du W3C

by 1 other (via)
W3C QA Tools and miscellaneous from Karl Dubost on 2009-08-26 ([email protected] from August 2009)

July 2009

June 2009

May 2009

March 2009

CSS : Invisible Content Just for Screen Reader

CSS in Action: Invisible Content Just for Screen Reader Users

January 2009

SmartOptimizer |

css et js : concaténer, minimiser, compresser,

August 2008

November 2007

Pagination Gallery: Examples And Good Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

by 7 others (via)
Smashing Magazine fait le tour des choix esthétiques pour présenter les petites barres de navigation en bas de page, lorsque le nombre de résultats à afficher est trop grand pour être mis sur une seule page.

September 2007

Home: Yet Another Multicolumn Layout | An (X)HTML/CSS Framework

by 12 others
"Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" (YAML) is an (X)HTML/CSS framework for creating modern and flexible floated layouts. The structure is extremely versatile in its programming and absolutely accessible for end users.

blueprintcss - Google Code

by 22 others
It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.


by 2 others
css pour formulaire

script Javascript /IE7/ pour CSS

by 19 others
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make IE behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6